Arts & Humanities Research (PhD)

Our Arts and Humanities MPhil/PhD Programme supports a diverse range of practice-led and thesis-based research projects. This year’s graduating researchers address urgent areas of enquiry, from comprehending climate emergency and re-making our more-than-human relations with and in the world, to the legacies of queer radicalism and the possibilities of rethinking materiality through embodied research methods.
Through our pioneering interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Research (PGR) Groups, this year we explored questions and methods of research under the themes of Care, City, Curatorial Thinking, Entanglement, OPEN and Planet. Issue 5 of our PGR Journal, Prova, published work from previous Groups on Archive, Correspondence, Entanglement and Public(s).
In March, emerging from two years of lockdown, our post-graduate researchers came together to ask what it might mean to re-inhabit shared physical space through a takeover of Southwark Park Galleries. Including the work of over fifty PGR students, through a dynamic large-scale exhibition and two-day performance and spoken word programme, Unruly Encounters recognised the vital need to reimagine our co-existence beyond dominant modes of thinking and doing that have led to ecological, political and social crises. We welcome the challenge that such encounters with the work of our post-graduate researchers may bring.
Dr Ben Cranfield, PGR Lead SoAH (Acting)
Study Arts & Humanities MPhil/PhD at the RCA
Image credit: Installation image of Unruly Encounters, SoAH PGR exhibition, Southwark Park Galleries,19-20 March, 2022