Moving Image

Oh, is there a lot to celebrate here!? And oh, don’t we need something to celebrate! These artists are taking you by the hand and leading you into the void, reading you love letters, playing games with you and making games to be played by you… These artists are making jokes and making weapons, writing prose, poems, texts, instructions, directions… These artists are time-travelling in multiple directions simultaneously, beckoning you to join them. These artists are creating narratives, scaring the bejesus out of you.
These artists are laying traps, dropping hints, saying what needs to be said. It’s exciting to rub shoulders with these artists, to navigate their works fully, Mind, Body and Spirit.
We have the opportunity to know what these artists know, to listen to them, to encounter their worlds, as artworks.
Here, there is a lot to celebrate. Being together collectively, physically to encounter these works is a celebration in itself. Taking time to be with these works is a celebration of generosity and kindness. Oh there is a lot to celebrate here!
Jordan Baseman, Pathway Lead, Moving Image