Sculpture (MA)

I am delighted to introduce you to the online platform for MA Sculpture 2022 - launched alongside the physical degree show in our new studios at Battersea South. The work in this online platform reflects the diverse, experimental and expansive approach to the development of artistic practice that the Sculpture Programme sets out to achieve. Students are encouraged to adopt a critical and reflexive approach to the production, development and display of their work. The Programme works to ensure that students situate their practice within the social, political and economic conditions of our contemporary world; identifying what sculpture can contribute to ongoing material, critical, technological, and philosophical debates.
Within the RCA 2022 online platform you will find a heightened understanding of our programme philosophy. Our cohort thinks through new and novel approaches to materiality, the body, performativity, intimacy, social engagement, sustainability, gender and the political.
An urgent existential question we have faced over the last year concerns the possibility of conviviality and communality under the conditions of a division of time through spatial distance. How might we spend time together when we are forced to be physically distanced? The students have addressed these questions through the process of exhibition making, meeting frequently as a group to prepare and discuss the way that they want their work to be seen and understood. They have built strong connections across physical boundaries and borders that have been enforced by an unquestioning determination to maintain a sense of solidarity and connectedness.
On behalf of the Sculpture team, I would like to congratulate this talented and ambitious group of students and invite you to explore an exceptional range of works both here and within our new studios at Battersea South.
Everything Is Sculpture : Immaterial Constructions / Material Realities
Temporal Matters : RCA MA Sound Works
Image credit: Sculpture students installation in progress, Battersea Campus, 2022