Visual Communication (MA)

The Visual Communication programme challenges, transforms and situates contemporary creative practice in a global context. It expands the contribution of visual communication through an approach that values agency, experimentation and critical making.
The programme critically examines the place and importance of visual communication in relation to culture and society within an interdisciplinary environment. Through the very nature of the work produced we can ask challenging questions of our field and rethink the purpose it serves in society.
The students’ work you are visiting today, engages with and responds to the current socio-political issues faced by the majority of the world, with an emphasis on care, collectivity, and the acknowledgement that there is an urgent need to activate alternative narratives. This is a guiding principle of our programme across the three pathways of Experimental Communication, Graphic Design and Illustration.
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Instagram: @rcavisualcomm
Study Visual Communication at the RCA: