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Arts & Humanities Research (PhD)

Cradeaux Alexander

a man and woman
"All American Boyz" or "Pom Pom"Video projection with sound.
a man wearing a hat
cowboyplaycowboyVideo with sound (monitor and projection).




varies in length
Actor with Knife, Four Poster, Velvet, and Lover
Actor with Knife, Four Poster, Velvet, and LoverDigital Photograph, 100 x 100 cm.
a man in a mask holding a lit candle next to a man in a mask
Actor with Death, Candelabra, Velvet, and Dawning RealisationDigital Photograph, 100 x 100 cm.
a person holding a paper and standing in front of a painting
Actor with Dear John and PistolDigital Photograph, 50 x 50 cm.
a man making a face
Actor with Blood, Street Scene, Figure, and Possessed Look

These images were made as performances staged for camera. They involve a loose narrative around a psycho-horror-drama between, death, a lover, and the hysterical ingenue often located in horror, but played instead by a male figure.


Digital Photography and Performance


Cradeaux Alexander-statement

These performance-based works were made in conjunction with a practice-based PhD titled Playing with (my)Self: Reconfiguring 21st Century Performance Art as an Emerging Encounter amongst the Becoming-Stage, the Becoming-Actor, and the Becoming-Audience. They include video works and digital photographs.