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Digital Direction (MA)

Jamilya Kulambayeva

Jamilya Kulambayeva is a new media artist, video maker, designer and storyteller.

In her work, she explores stories through post-disciplinary, tactile and digital methods while being driven by ambition to constantly cross the line between fantasy and reality. Her practice focuses on 3D animation and immersive game environments that question and challenge existing preconceptions by framing perspectives and ideas into visual stories. Her work focuses on sociological, anthropological and paradoxical human behaviour to better understand ourselves and raise awareness on issues in these areas.

​She received her Master's degree in Digital Direction at Royal College of Arts and Bachelor of Design at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Between Touch & Code, Unity
Between Touch & Code, Unity
Between Touch & Code, Unity
Between Touch & Code, Unity
Between Touch & Code, Unity

Much of our everyday access to the digital world is mediated through the touchscreens on the mobile devices we use, through which our gaze can pass but not our touch. We simply trace patterns on their smooth surfaces. The gestures that we habitually re-enact everyday form part of a commodifed language that is ingrained into contemporary human-machine interaction, and which is designed to melt away into the background of our experience. Between Touch & Code imagines what happens beyond our interactions with touchscreens, between the movement of our fingers and its codification into proprietary gestural navigation systems, through exploratory game environments.


"In the Back of My Mind"Our phones take after us. Their black mirror dormant until you wake them up and, as you do, your reflection fades but your journey begins. They are our window to the digital world and our companions in their navigation that demands our techno-sensory connection.
"Cracked Yet Growing"Your hold weakens and you let go, but it's not broken or weak. It grows. Cracks on its surface are a reminder of its fragility that you trace with your fingers as you continue your journey through the screen.
"Charged Spillage"Wrapped in charging wire, it goes through the repeating cycle of battery life where every ounce of energy is spent in your name. As you tap away on its surface in a manic pad dance it is its duty as your partner to follow your finger's rhythm.
Interactions, media item 1
Interactions, media item 2
Interactions, media item 3