Qin Jie (b.1998), is an experimental experience designer, cross-media artist, writer and product designer. She focuses on the creation of effective experiences of information using experimental methodologies. Her work emerges in many formats, including interactive installation, experimental moving image, theoretical fiction and visual communication.
Jie Qin
This project is an experiential journey that informs and questions the way parents in China cope with children’s crying, and possible future impacts on children's wellbeing.
The project began from my personal experience, which has impacted my personality and intimate relationships with my parents. As Michael Trimble said, ‘it is important to cry and respond to crying’; in China, however, nearly half of families find it difficult to respond to children’s crying, and fewer people seek help from professionals concerning crying than elsewhere.
In my project, I am sharing my personal journey through a narrative, with supportive objects and a film, in order to raise awareness and provide more emotional context for families dealing with crying children.