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Moving Image

Miso Eden Lee

My viewpoint is linking meditation with my bodily experience to understand moments appearing in life. I do like exploring the world with my body, especially with yoga and skateboarding. I also love to tell the story about my experience with nature, especially water and plants. I got so much love from my loving ones, and I’m trying to step out of the strong cosy shelter for building my own shelter with my own tastes.

Show Location: Battersea campus: Studio Building, Second floor

Miso Eden Lee-statement

When I moved to London UK in March 2020, the COVID lockdown has just begun. During this period, the news reported the heavy number of people dying every day, but also the birth of child got increased. I could feel the connection between life and death strongly and found it interesting.

At that time, I was suffering from loneliness, and eager to be connected with people and society, so I spent my time in a park laying down in nature for relieving those feelings. When I lay down on the grass, I could reach peace and be free from anxiety and depression. Those experiences remind me of the feelings from the womb; cosy, warm and safe. Then, I went back to Korea, I went to ‘Leung’ the traditional tomb covered with grass, and I could link death and nature.

 I want to make my project links life and death through nature, so I explored water and plants as media. I made cosy dome shapes like ‘Leung’ and the belly of a pregnant and covered the dome with moss. In the middle of the dome, water is making the waves in the middle. In my video, I merged my crouching and rotating in deep water giving the sense of circulation of death and birth.

Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media
Life pendulum, Mixed media

During that extraordinary period of time in London, I found interest in the contradiction of life and death. This interest turns into a curiosity about the womb, where people sleep in dark water before birth.

I went back to my hometown and visit the place of heritage called

"Leung" where the king and queen sleep in peace (Tomb).


It finally motivated me to make a space dome that not only could cover the bright light and also just looks like a belly where people sleep before they are born but it is tomb where people go after they die.

I found it has connection with the point of sleeping and rest in peace without worries where I always dreamed.


Mixed media