Born in India, and brought up in the Middle East among people of various nationalities, I am a designer with an understanding of various cultures and differences and how spaces influence the ways of people residing within them. A sense of place, connection to the local community with their interests at the core, mental wellbeing of people post the pandemic that rocked the world, are all themes that I explore in my project. My ultimate goal is to provide inspiring and meaningful places for people to get together and connect.
Bringing nature into design, and the concept of biophilia is something that I have always been interested in. My dissertation titled 'Biophilic Design: The Need of The Hour?' was awarded a distinction in 2021. In today's highly technological and digitally driven world, people have lost connection with nature somewhere along the way. I aim to create spaces where people rethink this connection and benefit from greenery and natural materials in interior spaces.
My thesis project titled 'The Wellness Place' is a space that focusses on wellbeing of the locals and encourages people to meet by creating things together. Physical tactile activities like pottery, cooking and gardening all play an important role and fosters connections among people. It is a rooted to the ground project celebrating local materials and local craftsmanship.