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Ceramics & Glass (MA)

Sofia Christoforou

I am a multidisciplinary artist from Cyprus.

In 2019, I graduated with a BA in 3D Design and Craft from The University of Brighton and before joining the RCA in 2020, I was working as a bench jeweller and freelance artist in Cyprus.

My work is often framed around the concepts of storytelling, inner-reflection, interaction and I work across a diverse range of media and material.

Through a poetic lens, I view life and investigate the human existence. I use my art to explore humanity and everything that comes with it,

the past, the present, the future

the before, the beyond

and the within.

My artistic approach is intuitive, I let the making guide me. Through painting, ceramics and metalwork, I immerse myself into a flow state and create with no strict plan. This allows a space for ultimate possibilities where a form can grow and evolve as it pleases.

Show Location: Battersea campus: Dyson & Woo Buildings, Third floor

Sofia Christoforou-statement

Curiosity fuels my creative drive. I find myself absorbing information from everything that surrounds me. My practice becomes an abstract response, a sensual exploration where I manifest the essence of the world I see.

My work takes shape in a spontaneous process, an instinctive performance, where I create a reciprocal channel of giving and receiving information with the material. It is a conversation between me and the clay, a physical language to create a tactile form of poetry. 

I am exploring forms in a quest that embraces the liminal state.

Liminal spaces exist in the ambiguity between dreams and reality. They become transitional spaces where curiosity, questioning and imagination take place. 

My work evokes a sense of movement in a state of stillness.

It’s the space, the in-between, the meeting-point and overlap of ideas, 

the fluid stillness,

the familiar yet unfamiliar,

the uncanny yet intimate.

These redolent, surreal landscapes are immersed in a dreamlike atmosphere that stimulate the innate imagination of the observer. Suggestive interpretations trigger them to question what they see while they reimagine the world around them.

Sensing Memories, Glazed Stoneware
Sensing Memories, Glazed Stoneware


Glazed Stoneware


Approx dimensions: 36x30x75
In a Universe that Breathes, Glazed Stoneware
In a Universe that Breathes, Glazed Stoneware


Glazed Stoneware


Approx dimensions: 53x25x65
Reflections, media item 1
"Inner Dive"
"Inner Dive"46x31x10
"Stream of Consciousness"
"Stream of Consciousness"48x23x10
"A Feeling in my Bones"
"A Feeling in my Bones"40x22x10
Surprise, surprise!
Surprise, surprise!48x40x11
"Mending the Unexpected"
"Mending the Unexpected"44x25x10
"In Our Rawness"
"In Our Rawness"54x32x10
The Explorations of a Curious Mind, media item 1

Who’s really in control?

-for my hands whisper secrets 

only clay understands 

and as soon as they take form 

they turn into ghosts 

and I remove myself the liminal space.

I always found comfort in the grey

but lately it’s been disorienting 

trying to guess the direction of where the echoes are coming from.

So I split in two,

hoping at least one of me finds those ghosts.

-And if I can use one of my three wishes-

is to translate their whispers.

And with a new sense of clarity,

I shall gladly return to grey.