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Interior Display

Yuting Liao

I majored in public art at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts as an undergraduate, and now I am studying in the Display platform in interior design. Since the course at the undergraduate level takes installation art and physical exhibition as the final exhibition form of the course, I have a strong interest in the spatial layout of the exhibition, and I hope to consider exhibition design from two different perspectives—art creators and exhibition designers.


Royal college of Art, Interior Design, 2020-2022

Xian Academy of Fine Arts, Public Art, 2016-2020

Show Location: Kensington campus: Darwin Building, Upper ground floor

Yuting Liao-statement

We receive an enormous amount of information and give the fastest feedback from social media every day, which is our way of trying to fit into the social relationships of the contemporary world. Having been in this way of life for so long, I felt lost and anxious. The photos and information we watch for a long time are compressed into the size of the mobile phone screen and the computer screen. During the compression process, text and images become homogenized. At the same time, our perception of time and space is compressed.

I wanted to design an exhibition space for people who want to experience a slow-paced life, allowing them to immerse and relax temporarily, and I thought of the medium of paper. Paper can be mass-produced or handcrafted, each with its own distinct personality. Different information can be properly presented on different papers. In this space, people can re-feel the original power of information by watching paper making and reading paper.

Exhibition Trailer
Concept Collage
Concept CollageThis initial concept collage covers my initial vision for the content and atmosphere of the exhibition and decided to start combining paper and 19th century paper making machines.
Concept Development
Concept DevelopmentI advance my proposal by combining site surveys, site models, and conceptual models.
Concept Development & Site Analysis , media item 4
The 19th century paper-making machine is also an important design part of my project. I don’t want the machine to be placed in front of the audience as a model or an installation. I want the audience
The 19th century paper-making machine is also an important design part of my project. I don’t want the machine to be placed in front of the audience as a model or an installation. I want the audience at the exhibition to have interaction experience with this machine – the audience can get their own paper.
Vertical Collage & Exhibition Content
Vertical Collage & Exhibition Content
Schematic Development & Walk-Through, media item 2
Exhibition Walk-Through
SectionThrough the section, the main activity route of the audience in this exhibition and the important exhibits in the exhibition can be displayed. It is also possible to observe how the audience interacts with the paper machine.
Underground Floor
Underground Floor
Ground Floor
Ground Floor
First Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Third Floor
Fourth Floor
Fourth Floor