Interior Design (MA)

The main motif of this year’s archive-site work introduction movie is hands. Why? In this moment of time, it seems extremely relevant that as our world emerges, after a tumultuous two years, blinking in the daylight, the first thing we can do without fear is to touch again. Touch others hands, touch faces, touch materials and touch spaces. This tactile quality, denied us for so long, is palpable in this year’s work in this show. Many hands making models, films, drawings and materials. Many hands delighting in making, time and time again, both with others and also alone, but not in isolation, in a box, on a screen, in a distant room in an even more distant country. No. This year we are here. In London. We have been in our studios, making, talking, sharing the same spaces, talking, making, chatting, hanging, eating, tea-pointing - repeatedly, arguing, laughing, all of us touching each-other’s lives again. It has been a delight. It is always an honour to support and encourage our students on the programme, the futures of interior design, but this year the satisfaction is even more profound. Please enjoy this work you see before you. It has been crafted individually with much thought, consideration and with lots of delight. See this work in here, online, but see it in its glory in London - at the show. See them in our archive too, but most of all, give these guys a hand will you. Watch them fly.