Emotions are crucial in communication, as the ability to understand and translate emotions enables better communication experiences. The aim of my work is to provide opportunities for people to recognise their own true feelings using biofeedback. Biofeedback describes the process of tracking data and representing this back to the user, providing information from psychophysiological recordings about the levels at which physiological systems are functioning.
Ai Nakada's work at the RCA comprises a study of biodata and biofeedback through experience design methods. You can listen to the emotion soundtracks used for testing below (these are categorised as 'Anger', 'Surprise', 'Tender', 'Happy', 'Fear', and 'Sad'). These were used to elicit and track changes in unconscious physiological signals in each of the moving images. The physiological indicators are correlated data based on both pupil and heart rate, which are then compared to generate a narrative of relationship. This is then used to generate insights on the ways in which biofeedback can inform emotional communication processes.