I am a designer from Guangzhou in Southern China. I studied graphic design and interior design at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. After graduating I spent time working in graphic design, public space art and interior design. Then I was awarded a full scholarship to study at RCA by the China Scholarship Council(CSC).
I am very interested in the translation of two-dimensional graphic design compositions into three-dimensional space and am deeply influenced by deconstructionism. I love the complexity of the components and the dynamic language of visual impact. I believe in the narrative nature of space and materials, especially how people feel when they are in space. After the impact of the epidemic, we have spent more time indoors and it is time to think more about and focus on how interior spaces change people's lives.
"Work In Progress show", Royal College of Art 2022, London
"John Hejduk: London Masque / Transitions display", Royal Academy of Arts 2022, London