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Digital Direction (MA)

Lavinia Keller

Lavinia Keller is an interdisciplinary storyteller and digital director.

Encompassing a transcendence of digital and analogue space her work is dedicated to capturing the audience in emotions that outlast the rapid pace of contemporary media culture. It evokes a reflection on societal and technological developments while showing a glimpse of a possible future. A future that is founded in the pursuit to bring inspiration, innovation and imagination to a media saturated audience. To move them, through moving image.

NFMe, media item 1
NFMe, media item 2
NFMe, media item 3
NFMe, media item 4
NFMe, media item 5

Questioning the ownership of our digital identities, NFMe provides a decentralised infrastructure through which we regain the choice of selling our data to third parties via cookies. NFMe supports individuality in the digital economy by creating NFT’s of our digital identities, so called NFMe’s. Non-fungible, digitally protected, visualisations of one’s digital identity that serve as a proof of ownership reinventing digital verification processes, online representation, and self-sovereignty.

Whether it is blood - or data flow, DNA or data, uniqueness or fungibility, neurons or neural network, the analogue and digital identity live in symbiotic reciprocity. 

The NFMe project discloses and explores this relationship through an installation highlighting the record of cookies in form of a digital sculpture. It curates an aesthetically pleasing experience to catch you in a moment of realisation that you are watching your data being sold. Starting as DNA strands, the organic existence transforms into a systematic censoring of hundreds of data getting overlayed by an artificial intelligence leaving the information unreadable for the audience to highlight the lack of ownership. 

NFMe carries you further from the installation to an application, a sustainable system in which you can see your digital identity visualised through a unique language which translates the data that is being exploited by cookies into a three-dimensional sculpture that can’t be accessed by the machine as it is protected through the blockchain. It creates a real-time interaction, a transcendence of analogue and digital identity.

Through that not only the relationship of us and our digital selves gets strengthened, but also protected, revolutionizing self-sovereignty in Web 3.0.