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Xuedan Lu

Xuedan is a contemporary craft practitioner who is committed to the preservation and development of craft skills for contemporary audience. She graduated with a first class degree in Textile Design from Chelsea College of Arts before her studies at the RCA. Her work exhibits an oriental aesthetics with an innovative combination of different traditional craft skills and it could be interpreted for interior or fashion applications.


Show Location: Battersea campus: Studio Building, Third floor

Xuedan Lu-statement


This project contains a series of knotted and crocheted ornamental wall-hanging pieces which aims to display an oriental aesthetics. Xuedan draws inspiration from the classical Chinese auspicious patterning and the window grills in Chinese garden and develops these visual elements into contemporary works through her drawing. She mainly explores two traditional craft skills : knotting and Mizuhiki (an ancient Japanese artform) to combine with crochet in order to create new design effects. Her work exhibits a symmetrical form while this design is very much in line with the underlying philosophy of Chinese decorative arts.

Xuedan is revaluing traditional and symbolic Chinese patterning with an ambition of bring a greater understanding and appreciation of eastern aesthetics to a western audience and market. She aims to achieve a preciseness and creativity in the experimentation of material and colour and demonstrate an analytical skill in terms of traditional craft skills for reinterpreting traditional culture in the realm of contemporary craftsmanship.

 Knotted ornaments in a symmetrical form, media item 1
 Knotted ornaments in a symmetrical form, media item 1
 Knotted ornaments in a symmetrical form, media item 1
 Knotted ornaments in a symmetrical form, media item 1
Sketchbook and Making Process, media item 1
Mizuhiki 水引 (An ancient Japanese art form)
Mizuhiki 水引 (An ancient Japanese art form)
 Chinese Knotting
Chinese Knotting