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Experimental Communication

Yichun Huang

About me? I am sitting at my desk with a straight face looking at a pile of text, pictures and videos, eating my new vegan biscuits. I am often working with abstract patterns, exaggerated brush strokes and rhythm to present the invisible things behind the material reality of our daily lives. The cubes of various forms and colours in my animation and digital paintings are used to abstractly represent the forms of the invisible world.

Yichun Huang-statement

If someone asks me why I paint, my answer is that I enjoy painting instinctively. I enjoy thinking with my subconscious mind. I enjoy creating rhythmic graphics. I enjoy establishing aesthetic order.

(This is a part of VR view.) The Spiritual World / The Twelve Journeys of the SoulAct 1: Self-knowledge; Act 2: Material gratification; Act 3: Promotion of ideas; Act 4: Discover within; Act 5: Realizing creation; Act 6: Service; Act 7: Soul mates; Act 8: Death and darkness; Act 9: The World of the Higher Self; Act 10: Absolute satisfaction; Act 11: The Gift of the Universe; Act 12: Great love and Samsara.
The Spiritual World / The Script of Act 4 - Discover WithinThe cube goes to the higher dimensions and sees its own memory. It arrived in another world. It saw the traces of its life. Look around and there are three big screens showing something at the same time. These three videos related to the dream world part. It knows its own memories and internal needs. Each part has its life track as energy, these memories, images, rhythms, let it remember why it exists, what is its purpose here, sees its own meaning. It has gone through countless cycles.
THE CUBE AND THE PARALLEL WORLDS, VR; Digital Images; Printing; Animations.
The Dream World / LaksanaAlthough everything we see in the physical world is happening, our brains are also creating our conscious world, while we have another world in our dreams as well, which means we are living in the three worlds.
The Material World / THE CUBE AND THE PARALLEL WORLDSThis book is about cubes and three parallel worlds. The contents are as follows: The cube's spiritual world part script: Act 1 - Act 12; The physical world; The connection between the spiritual world and the physical world; About the dream world; The reflection of the physical world part to the spiritual world part in this project.
This is the door to the future in Act 8.
This is the door to the past in Act 8.

My inspiration comes from the book 'Initiation' by Elizabeth Haich. As she writes: 'The cube is six in one and one in six and it consists of seven factors: the six manifested limiting planes and the seventh, unmanifested factor, its cubic contents. The key number of the three dimensional world is the number seven.'

I believe the basic form of matter is the cube, so I created 'a cube world' where everything happens based on the energy behind all the manifestations of the visible world. This world is about the evolution of the soul of the cube as the energy behind the material world.

From a Buddhist perspective it is possible to classify the external world into three different worlds. The first is ordinary consciousness in the physical world. The second world is the realm of dreams. The third world is that which is created by our minds or our consciousness.

This project has three parts: the material world, the spiritual world, the dream world. I put these three parallel worlds together to form a three-dimensional world governed by the same laws as human beings.


VR; Digital Images; Printing; Animations.


00:03:40mins; 176mmx250mm;