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Bárbara Simões

Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Performance, media item 1
How can body movement be activated through visual stimulus?
Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Performance, media item 1
Excerpts of movement and sound experimentation for performance (work in progress)
Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Performance, media item 1

Re. Trans. Sen. Ce explores performance through playful knitting, expressing textile’s potential to mutate itself, being activated by visual language, body movement and sound. Using spontaneous drawing as the guideline inspiration for the project, the movement and sound research were developed as interpretations of the same drawing used to paint the garment shown.

How to reactivate waste yarns to sample different color experiments?
How to reactivate waste yarns to sample different color experiments?
reversible experiments III, IV and V
reversible experiments III, IV and V
Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Reactivation, media item 3
reversible experiments VI, VII and VIII
reversible experiments VI, VII and VIII
reversible experiments IX and X
reversible experiments IX and X
Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Reactivation, media item 6

Re. Trans. Sen. Ce : Reactivation, a different path of this project, reactivates waste material through reversible knitting in a different approach, aiming to address different wellness environments. With a contrasting pattern in each side of the textile surface, this collection of fabrics shows some of the possible combinations using waste resources in a playful and sustainable way.

Bárbara Simões is a portuguese multidisciplinary creative who explores the sensorial potentialities of textile surface. Coming from a Fine Arts background, Barbara’s path through the RCA has been traced by her desire to discover different ways of enhancing our physical and sensorial connection with others and the world through her sensorial spontaneous intuition.

Learning how to express herself fully through textile matter, she focuses on acknowledging different ways of representing her creative thinking, through knitting. Simultaneously, she works on embodying her doodles through different techniques, giving them the importance she believes they need.

Acting in different contexts, Barbara focuses herself on developing a distinctive and playful body of work, which promotes a better understanding of our sensorial capacities and that emphasizes the importance of touch in our wellbeing.

Degree Details

School of DesignTextiles (MA)Knit

Show Location: Battersea campus: Studio Building, Third floor

Bárbara Simões-statement

RE : TRANS : SEN : CE urged as a project built to address different stages of emotion in order to achieve a sensorial support, contributing with a new feeling approach and innovative thinking through knitting. Aiming to show how textile practice has the power to mutate itself and challenge ourselves to appreciate and estimate touch as a powerful tool in our daily live, this project explores different ways of enhancing the full extent of the human sensorial nature, showing itself spontaneously through two different versatile forms of work: Performance and Reactivation.

Exploring performance and reversibility through playful knitting, this body of work shows different ways of addressing textile’s potential to be developed and applied further, through a more emotionally responsive and creative way.

The Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters