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Print (MA)

Harriet Tinney

Harriet is a UK based printmaker and studied at the University of Brighton before starting her MA at the Royal College of Art.

In her work she explores the materiality of text through multiple print processes, writing and book making.

Show Location: Battersea campus: Dyson & Woo Buildings, First floor and mezzanine

A shape similar to a '6', printed in a pink and yellow pattern.

I am interested in ways in which we piece together words     …..         letters    … fragments…     

shapes…. . how we search for familiar signifiers of meaning. I am not really trying to find meaning          instead I dissect typography to create    

f l o ating

disloc   ate       d          

forms. That can or can’t be read. Textual slippages intend to reveal the dislocation between text and meaning in consumer and contemporary contexts. This language is opaque  

instructive   ---    oozing a proposed sense of clarity    (?)…                                  

           My practice explores what happens when this text becomes                                                ….

fr ac tur e d 

fragmen t e d  ….

reduced           to an 


i n  co mp  lete                        form. Softly dislocated from its origins. Text sits and floats in pools of translucent colour                           …. 

                                    ….                                                                   ……      ..



Abstracted forms occur in the in-between spaces of text. These often are              ….

em   p ty

gl owi ng

neutral (?) 

vaca  nt

spaces on our screens that are seen as the negative space of contemporary communication.


I look through

And in      t   o

Cut out colours, as light hits

A soft fuzzy g l o w


A book showing large fragments of letters and smaller scattered letters.
A book showing large fragments of letters and smaller scattered letters.


Screen print on Shoji paper


10 x 15 cm
A sheet of acrylic printed with a green background and two purple D shaped forms at the top.
DUV print on acrylic, 120 x 70 cm
A close up of a curved white shelf supporting a printed acrylic sheet, with blurry green and purple forms.
Detail of 'D'
A sheet of acrylic with a long semi circle cut out of the middle, printed with green and blue blurry forms.
UUV print on acrylic, 72.9 cm x 42.9 cm
A sheet of acrylic printed with two pink semi circles in either corner and a blue background.
OUV print on acrylic, 120 x 70 cm

In these prints I am working with a technique called

‘Ura-zuri’                                                                                 …..

              which in Japanese woodblock printing translates as 

‘back printing’.

The print is made on the back of the material and viewed through the front. The 

back                                image interacts with the

front image …     

It creates an uneasy focal quality which emphasises the  

                                              blurred              and   


                         reading of the forms.

A page of a book being turned.
A page in a book that shows a woodblock of twelve semi circles with a green background.
Pages of a book being flipped through, showing woodblock prints of cut out shapes and yellow, pink and green gradients.
A fold out page in a book.
A page in a book showing an abstract woodblock print.

La p

t op

draw                                                                                                                            ____  

la se r                                                                                       


___      woo d                    ...                               

     ink                     ____ up

I document a process of making. I draw on technologies (such as laser cutting) )   )                 ) to create processed marks, generating                                   ....                                                  

uniformit y … 

consisten c y … 

multipli  city …

which are found in the digital typography that I reference. This way of working sees a hybridity of 


hand                                                                and

machine ...  …….

Wood grain



sheen  :       spilling out           of   the     drawing   space.


Woodblock on Newsprint


45 x 32 cm