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Intelligent Mobility (MA)

Naomi Saka

As a  UX designer I naturally want to understand what amazes people, see the fascination in their eyes and what creates their Spark. The unlimited world of interaction is my playground, whether it's speech driven, gesture driven or other data, like air quality/ camera input.

I consider it a luxury to fuse my passion for technology and the magic of travelling at the RCA.

// scholarship by Bentley Motors & sponsored MA thesis, exhibited in the Guggenheim Museum '22

Main softwares: Touchdesigner, Python Coding, MadMapper/HeavyM, Ableton, Adobe Cloud

Naomi Saka-statement

My MA thesis "The Bentley Spark" is about the next generation interaction. It explores how a brand could not only communicate one way to the user, but have a two way relationship, so both influence each other, to create a truly bespoke user experience. And like all special connections, it starts with a Spark, that then evolves over time.

Before the RCA I studied UX Design with a minor in computer science and interned at Audi where I got admitted to the Audi Talent Pool. Afterwards I worked one year full time at Bentley on the Centenary Car, the EXP100GT, where they offered me the scholarship at the RCA. During my studies, my work was featured in the Forbes magazine, cardesignnews and at the "Motion" exhibition in the Guggenheim Museum.

Studying at the RCA and meeting all these creative minds was my personal Spark.

Feel free to say 'hello!' or leave feedback!

The “Bentley Spark” is a luxury service and becomes the key to the Bentley Universe. The Spark is awakened through the first human touch and it creates the first memory of your Bentley.  It sits on al
The “Bentley Spark” is a luxury service and becomes the key to the Bentley Universe. The Spark is awakened through the first human touch and it creates the first memory of your Bentley. It sits on all touching points of the brand and becomes your key to the Bentley universe.
Throughout the Spark's life it captures the unique bond between the user and the brand Bentley. Because this bond is so personal, the Spark protects your privacy. Depending on the occasion it switches
Throughout the Spark's life it captures the unique bond between the user and the brand Bentley. Because this bond is so personal, the Spark protects your privacy. Depending on the occasion it switches the intimacy layer.
Your Spark captures the interaction and turns it into a digital art work. Each interaction looks differently and over time every Spark gained a different digital patina. Curation engine made in Touchd
Your Spark captures the interaction and turns it into a digital art work. Each interaction looks differently and over time every Spark gained a different digital patina. Curation engine made in Touchdesigner with a Leap Motion.
Imagine your car recognises you when you approach it, and greets you by picking up a colour you're wearing. Voice, gesture and camera reactive prototype to explore different interaction concepts.
How do we spark this connection? How can we capture this unique bond? My Motion Sculptures were my biggest user study looking at creating the magical bond between the user and the car.
The Motion Sculptures captured in the user study informed the exterior design directly. The car becomes a kinectic sculpture responsing to the user.
The Motion Sculptures captured in the user study informed the exterior design directly. The car becomes a kinectic sculpture responsing to the user.
Interactive prototype with Leap Motion. Move through the different sound and light layer. From formal to informal. Made with Touchdesigner, Leap Motion and Ableton.
Looking at how physical components can capture interaction, I prepared bronze samples that rested in the British weather for weeks. During this time they gained a "British patina", so wherever you wou
Looking at how physical components can capture interaction, I prepared bronze samples that rested in the British weather for weeks. During this time they gained a "British patina", so wherever you would drive with your car, it captured a journey patina. But when the user interacts with it, it gets polished. The harmony of influences of the environment and the human created a beautiful interaction patina.
Naomi Saka The Bentley Spark
On a business meeting the Spark goes into a formal mode, protecting your privacy. But on special occasion, like the anniversary with your partner, your car celebrates with you and greets you with a festive welcome. It curates a journey to your favourite restaurant and the place you first met. It becomes part of your personal memory scape. Finally, every Spark evolved differently and you pass on not only a Bentley, but a legacy. Your Spark plants the seed for the next generation.
On a business meeting your Spark goes into a formal mode and protects your privacy.
On a business meeting your Spark goes into a formal mode and protects your privacy.
Finally, you pass on not only a Bentley, but a legacy.
Finally, you pass on not only a Bentley, but a legacy.

As a  UX designer I naturally want to understand what amazes people, what creates their Spark. Thus, building interactive prototypes and investigating the next generation of interaction was a crucial part of my Master thesis.

And I gained a lot of knowledge that I now can bring back to my sponsor Bentley Motors.

Naomi Saka Mega City Taxi
In this environment a cultural mindset has thrived that values decay, long term experiences, ageing and imperfection. One of these principles of beauty is called Wabi Sabi. But as we now live in a throw-away-society things that age lose value, but a taxi is in service for more than 20 years. In my concept they develop a digital patina, a new interpretation of Wabi Sabi.
Naomi Saka Mega City Taxi
There are different curation modes according to your mood (re-energise, neutralise, enhance, cocoon, purify). Hence, you may have the soft smooth colours of Sakura reflected on the moving interior or the bright autumn leaves flying in the wind translated into a dynamic light experience in the interior.
Naomi Saka AI
Coming from a background of User Experience and coding, I designed a taxi service for Osaka that is heavily UX based. The Osaka Do, which means the pathway of Osaka. The Osaka Do captures each journey and turns it into a light painting on the morphing pattern in the interior in real time. All the digital footprints create a mosaic of the Osaka AI. A new interpretation of Wabi Sabi.
Naomi Saka Mega City Taxi

Featured in the Forbes Magazine.

Naomi Saka Mega Light Sculptures
The Journey Light Sculptures capture your greatest moments of the Grand Tour and turn it into a poetic art work. They are generated realtime through an algorythm using GPS data and camera footage the car captures on the journey. In collaboration with Bentley Motors. Here you can see the greatest moments of Bentley's iconic "Roof of the World" journey with the Bentayga and the sand surfing on the Red Dune in Sharjah.
Naomi Saka Mega Light Sculptures
The vision is that collaborative artworks, like the Light Sculptures, will inform bespoke showroom experiences, home and interior experiences, as well as build the foundation for authentic digital experiences.
Enjoy a part of the Light Sculpture created from the Bentayga sand surfing in Sharjah!

The Light Sculptures are meant to become a momentum of curiosity to create a legacy with a community that shares the passion for innovation and travelling.

The art work is not only a visual momentum but inherits the information gathered on your Grand Tour. It becomes a digital diary. Whenever you wish to revisit this journey, you can access the information through the Bentley Universe.

The vision is that collaborative artworks, like the Light Sculptures, will inform bespoke showroom experiences, home and interior experiences, as well as build the foundation for authentic digital experiences.

Bentley Motors

Thank you to Bentley Motors for the scholarship in Intelligent Mobility at the Royal College of Art London and sponsoring my MA thesis.