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Intelligent Mobility (MA)

Pavan kumar Sirigineedi

We live in a very special time where we have access to tools which enable us to build things straight out of our imagination.

Being a designer today is an important responsibility. Humanity as we all know is heading at an unimaginable pace into polluted and unstable future. Designing for such a pace requires a higher level of multi-disciplinary knowledge and insights into present-day problems and advanced technologies which help us push ourselves. As an architect, I developed such skills to see problems on a deeper level and come up with solutions that can solve multiple problems. 

I believe the future is biomimetic, as nature has millions of years of experience and knowledge on how to survive with minimal energy and strong structures, we humans should nurture natural techniques and adapt to nature. As humans, it is our responsibility to be sustainable and protect the planet. A nature model is the best way forward. There should be a transaction in the design approach following social conscience and science such as synthetic biology, and material engineering; that is, understanding biomimicry in design and engineering.

Pavan kumar Sirigineedi-statement

In my view, nature’s configuration/ Triangle of life follows a path of creation, perseverance and ultimately destruction.

A closer look into this exhibits every living species’ need to survive and pass on the memory of their lived experience in some way.

4th Dimension, media item 2

4th Dimension is about rethinking the steering wheel by understanding human ergonomics and bodily reflexes.

This concept arises from a fear of autonomous driving systems taking over driving from users.

This project redefines the connection between the user and the vehicle (Al acts and reacts like a living entity).

Two-way connection where the user understands and adjusts with the vehicle, in the same way, the vehicle analyses, understands and reacts with the user just like riding a horse. This way, users find the vehicle very personal and intuitive.

4th dimension fills the gap between manual and complete autonomous driving where the next generation of materials form a physical connection with the driver and enhance the pleasure of driving to a whole new level.