School of Arts & Humanities

Dean, School of Arts & Humanities – Ken Neil
RCA2022 shares with us once again a wonderful platform to experience the outcomes, research insights, and working processes of our graduating students. For Arts & Humanities, this is a presentation of work from across our specialist areas, Applied Arts, Fine Art, and Humanities.
As you move through the pages and links you will see many connections across these specialist areas as the creative attention of our students coalesces around topics of contemporary concern. This combined interdisciplinary insight complements the poetic instances of individual practices and adds up to a powerful and persuasive body of work, one that seeks to illuminate its constituent diversity of perspectives and, hence, encourage us to see our world anew.
After two years of considerable challenge and disruption, we are all immensely proud of what our students have achieved this session, and express thanks here to all staff, academic and administrative, technical and support, for such a concerted effort to successfully produce this public exhibition.
Congratulations to all of our graduating students - enjoy the diversity of insights.