CLIMAX is an immersive climbing simulator for home fitness. One could say it’s the Peloton of climbing. It lies at the intersection of climbing, home fitness and VR gaming… with all three sectors showing massive growth during the last few years.
CLIMAX drastically reduces the space, risk, needed knowledge and gear compared to the original way of climbing. Therefore, CLIMAX makes climbing equally more accessible for climbers and non-climbers. It enables you to experience the extreme sport of climbing in a perfectly safe environment even if you have never climbed before. It will support you with your training goals by providing tailored and gamified exercises, and in addition to that, it is able to help you with recovering from injuries.
Right now, CLIMAX is in the process of being patented, and therefore, its embodiment cannot be shared yet. However, if you want to know more about CLIMAX soon, please get in touch with me or sign up for the newsletter here.