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Dominic Wang


I cannot see my hands nor my body, I can still feel them, but they are just completely out of my sight. They say I'm a spirit, looking for a body to occupy, and they are not entirely wrong. I am drifting in space, listening to the sound of the sacred bell, searching for a breakthrough in the deepest blue. I see the darkness of a spinning cloud, reaching towards it takes me to the land of Alpha Centauri. I see the sweepers, I see Paralus, and I see the real Black Pool, and their synchronized movements shows what majestic lives and organisms they are. Mankind laments the viscerality of Stratus, and angels send bless to the explorer. Now, you just need to imagine you are the only survivor there.

Show Location: Battersea campus: Studio Building, Third floor

Dominic Wang-statement

During my time at the RCA, I focused on the progression of digital fashion, questioning the presentation of traditional digital fashion which is usually displayed on a flat screen. I believe fashion is a 360 experience that includes not only products to wear on the body, but also all the external entities that contribute to the perception of this experience. Therefore, I based my practice on Virtual Reality that can fully immerse an audience in its environment whilst engaging the body via diverse sensory interactions. Murray describes emersion as "we seek the same feeling from a psychologically immersive experience that we do from a plunge in the ocean or swimming pool: the sensation of being surrounded by a completely other reality, as different as water is from the air, that takes over all of our attention, our whole perceptual apparatus." (Murray, J. 1997) My final project presents a virtual reality experience developed based on a short science fiction I wrote. It takes an audience to alien territory, making interactions with the surroundings, the soundscape, and the extraterrestrial lives it nests. Highlighting the technically designed ability to switch the body between the audience themselves and the alien lifeform, the audience gains a non-anthropocentric perspective of viewing, listening, and operating in the space, which ultimately defines this bodily experience as a new scoop for digital fashion. 

STRATUS the Blue Axis Poster
STRATUS the Blue Axis Poster
STRATUS Blue Axis Scene
STRATUS Blue Axis Scene


I was lucky to survive that booster launch failure, the Kosmos - 6M was on its  last push to take us onto the land of Alpha Centauri. It failed, 4 of us were killed, and I am here, writing the story of what I witnessed. 

It started after I woke up in this space. I remember it was this blue that emerged from a deep darkness, and I was utterly immersed in it. I was floating, no gravitational pull, nothing, I felt as light as a feather. It almost felt like I was not in my body, but I was just being there, floating, and it seemed time had stopped and become nonexistent. I couldn’t feel my hands, my feet, or anything. Everything was gone, I lost my body. Weirdly I could still breathe, or at least I thought I was because otherwise I would feel different. 

I didn’t know if I had landed somewhere or I was still drifting in space. (It could be a Jovian planet) But the thought of being here alone by myself made me panic, there was no one else but myself. I started to yell, not because I wanted help or that was ever possible at that moment, but because I wanted to prove to myself that I still exist, then I soon realised I couldn’t make a sound. I guess I either lost my voice in the accident or simply because there was no media inside the space to pass it on. That made me feel worse then I started to try to move my limbs so that at least I could do something, and eventually I did, but not through walking or climbing, but to simply use my mind. I had to think of the direction that I wanted to go very specifically, and then I started to move towards that direction, and what was even more unexplainable was that I could move in all directions like a bird, I could fly up, and like a fish, I could dive deep down. All of what had happened made me devastated and had lost my last hope of returning to earth. I was practically a ghost, a piece of mind drifting in outer space. What a thought. 

Then, I saw this thing, a probe looking object emerged from the dark blue. It was moving on its own. Three ovals that are constantly rotating and revolving around a ball like they were a family.


Unreal Engine 4
Stratus Paralus the Unmanned Ship
Stratus Paralus the Unmanned Ship
Stratus the Harmonic Series for music development
Stratus the Harmonic Series for music development


After I entered the black hole, everything went dark for a moment. The lights started fading out of my sight. What emerged in front of my eyes was this piercing scarlet, felt deep and foggy. I couldn’t see that far, but vaguely I saw a dark cloud-like thingy and there were things moving around it. Looked like an orbit, and it was shimmering on its surface and a diamond right under the sun. I could still swim, so I swam towards the black cloud I saw. When I got closer and closer, I was amazed by what it actually was, and the things that are swimming around like me were giant aliens that I had never seen in my life before...

I heard this music or sound getting stronger and louder as I moved towards the black mass. I heard more things as I moved towards it actually. It was not like a common piece of music, it was trying to say something, until today I still don’t understand what it was trying to say. I had nothing to record the sound after the accident, all I could do was just to listen closely. I saw the giant aliens swim in front of me, and there was one below me and I was once sandwiched by two. I heard a sharp sound while I was in between them, they were talking?! But not to me. To each other? I doubt so, because they don’t seem to react to any sounds in this space. They were just swimming and sweeping the zone like soldiers on guard, no one can interrupt them.

Today, I am still trying to understand how all of this started , when it started, and how long it has been existing. If it wasn’t because of the accident, can we ever discover them?


Unreal Engine 4
STRATRUS TrailerThis is the trailer of the VR experience where you experience both the human view of the scenes as well as the sweepers'.

This video records memory pieces of a former visitor on Stratus.


Unreal Engine 4